#!/bin/sh if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo "Colorful Homebrew update script" echo echo "USAGE: update [-y]" echo echo " -y skip questions" echo " -h display this help" echo exit 0 fi echo "\033[93mFetching packages list:\033[0m" brew update brewsy=`brew outdated | wc -l | awk {'print $1'}` if [ $brewsy != 0 ]; then echo "\033[93mOutdated packages:\033[0m" $brewsy echo brew outdated echo if [ "$1" != "-y" ]; then ask=$(echo "\033[93mUpdate the these packages?\033[92m [yn] \033[0m") read -p "$ask" yn fi if [ "$yn" = "y" ]; then brew upgrade --all && brew cleanup else echo "\033[93mOK, not doing anything\033[0m\n" fi else echo "\033[93mNothing to do\033[0m" fi